Physician Supervised Integrated Airway Medicine

Medicine, dentistry and allied health united in the management of airway-centered head and neck problems.

Our approach:

Physician supervised coordinated care

Integrated treatment plans that remove barriers to care

Maximize patient insurance reimbursement

A multidisciplinary clinic – saving time and money.

One point of care and contact because all of your needs are interconnected.

Progressive strategies that move beyond OHIP-limited solutions.

Medicine is progressive.  OHIP is not.

The Airway concept is to bring you solutions - both OHIP and non-OHIP - under one coordinated team.


Located in the heart of North York.

On Yonge Street, where the subway meets the 401 for maximum convenience.

We are on the main floor of the Davpart Building on 4576 Yonge St. Once you enter the front doors, turn left towards the glass double doors. Please see the video below for a walkthrough.

How to find our office from the lobby

Our Services


Meet our Team

Toronto is our home and we are committed to serving the community by providing comprehensive health care to all patients.
We look forward to taking care of you and your family.

Rinat Barook
Dr. Anna Chen

Get started with Airway, today.